Dear Friends,
I want to draw your attention to a special Shabbat service on Friday evening, September 24, when we will honor and thank Rachel Gross for over ten years of service and devoted leadership to our Micah community. I write this letter with a certain degree of sadness as Rachel has been a true partner for me in our Micah project.
Rachel joined us in January 2011. In ten years of Micah’s growth, Rachel professionalized every aspect of our office administration from top to bottom. Rachel, however, has been far more than an administrator. She has been a behind the scenes thought partner in nearly every area of our work. Rachel’s deep Jewish background and experience has enabled her to contribute to countless conversations that we have had on the direction that Micah should take. She truly understands the American Jewish scene. In the last eighteen months, as COVID has raged, Rachel has been extraordinary in moving Micah forward.
Please join us on September 24 as we honor Rachel and wish her well. I know that I will miss her a great deal.
Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel