February is Jewish Disability, Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month (JDAIM). Whether you want to learn more about recent inclusion efforts within the Jewish community or looking to learn how you can support people living with disabilities, the following articles can provide a good place to start.
The past two [years] have seen the proliferation of Jewish programming online. You can stream a synagogue service any day you choose, drop into a class or even attend a concert. All of this is done out of necessity for sure, but it is also coming from a deep knowing that people seek meaning, connection and solace.
As a blind rabbi, something in this salutatory flurry of activity felt deeply discordant to me. The pace at which programming and even prayer books have suddenly become available online was due to the fact that these things—accommodations, if you were—are now what the majority population requires…
Resolution in Support of Access to Lifelong Jewish Learning for Jews with Disabilities
A Change Would Do You Good: How URJ Camp Harlam is Leading the Way in Camper Inclusion
Disability Inclusion: Highlights from our Community Organizations
Advocating for disability rights shouldn’t only be the concern of people with disabilities and their families. Alanna Raffel shares ways that everyone can step into advocacy.
For those of us who have long waited to see people who proudly embrace their significant disabilities in positions of power, the fact that Israel’s energy minister, Karine Elharrar, is a power wheelchair user can easily lead one to believe that the arc of history is changing. And it probably is. Sadly, this week demonstrated just how far we still have to go. The Times of Israel offers the following description of the Minister’s arrival to the United Nations Summit.
1. Listen to people with disabilities
2. Educate yourself
3. Be conscious of the language you use
4. Work for inclusion in your own community
5. Advocate for disability rights
Jewish tradition teaches us of our obligation to ensure equal access for all people and to help facilitate the full participation of individuals with disabilities in religious and public life. We are taught “Do not separate yourself from the community” (Pirke Avot 2:5); accordingly, we must prevent anyone from being separated from the community against their will.
Join Judy Heumann, an internationally recognized bad-ass disability activist in conversation with disabled changemakers and their allies. For all fighting for social justice, these conversations around disability culture, art, entertainment, policy and advocacy are sure to light a rebellious fire under you to fight harder for all people.