Samantha Frank

Rabbinic Fellow


As the Rabbinic Fellow at Temple Micah, Rabbi Samantha Gayler Frank is creating a new cycle of haftarot readings that will serve to reanimate the prophetic voice in Shabbat worship. Rabbi Frank was raised in Silver Spring, MD and graduated from Tufts University, where she earned her B.A. in French and Community Health. Prior to becoming a Rabbi, she taught English in France and worked at the NYU Child Study Center in mental health policy. She was honored to be a Bonnie and Daniel Tisch Rabbinical Fellow, recipient of the BeWise Fellowship for entrepreneurship, and was named one of 36 Under 36 Innovators Lighting the Way by the New York Jewish Week. Rabbi Frank is also co-creator of the Jewish educational resource, @Modern_Ritual (on Instagram and at and works as the Director of Jewish Education at the 92nd Street Y in New York. In addition to thinking creatively about how to share the beauty and meaning of Jewish tradition, Samantha loves pasta and yoga. She lives in Brooklyn.

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