Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Korach - Num. 16:1-18:32, 28:9-15 Haftarah: Isaiah 66:1-24 Leader: Steve Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group [...]
Joelle Novey directs Interfaith Power & Light, through which hundreds of congregations of many traditions across Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia are working together [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Pray Your Values: Support Abortion Access and Justice Temple Micah is partnering with National Council of Jewish Women and four other area synagogues (Washington Hebrew, Rodef Shalom, [...]
Torah Portion: Chukat - Numbers 19:1-22:1 Haftarah: Judges 11:1-33 Leader: Paul Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group which [...]
Register Join Micah’s Climate Action Group to help get out the vote. We are partnering with Center for Common Ground, a non-partisan, Black and women-led voting [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Balak - Numbers 22:2-25:9 Haftarah: Micah 5:6-6:8 Leader: Mark Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group which [...]
Torah Portion: Balak Service Leader: Lauren Torah: Lauren Haftarah: Suzanne D'var Torah: Ivan Music Leader: Sonia We invite you to come together on Shabbat morning [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Pinchas - Numbers 25:10-30:1 Haftarah: Jeremiah 1:1-2:3 Leader: Francie Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group which [...]
Torah Portion: Pinchas Service Leader: Miriam Torah: Melanie Haftarah: Miriam D'var Torah: Melanie Music Leader: Dan Lee and Sonia We invite you to come together [...]
Led by Rabbi Slakman, the singing circle is a monthly gathering for members to purely come together and sing. Songs will be simple, repetitive, and often wordless [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Matot-Masei - Numbers 30:2-36:13 Haftarah: Jeremiah 2:4-28; 3:4 Leader: Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group which [...]
Torah Portion: Matot Masei Service Leader: Miriam Torah: Lior & Jenny Haftarah: Meryl D'var Torah: Ivan Music Leader: Healy We invite you to come together [...]