Dear Friends–
We strive to be a community that looks outside of ourselves and strives to make an impact in the wider world in ways large and small. Sukkat Shalom (Shelter of Peace) is one of our community’s most significant efforts to turn outward by supporting refugees and migrants. We need your help to reach an important goal!
We are seeking to meet a pressing need by funding a Migrant Support Paralegal with our partner, HIAS. This paralegal will support legal services that HIAS provides at our southern border as well as in the Washington, DC area. Increased legal support is the only way through our nation’s ever-shifting legal immigration process.
So far we have raised nearly $55,000 of the $75,000 we need to fund this position.
Thank you to all of you who have already contributed. We need everyone’s help to “get us over the top” to reach our $75,000 goal. If each Micah family contributed $54, we would achieve our goal. A gift of any amount makes a difference. PLEASE support this effort.
If you prefer to mail a check to the Temple, please be sure to add “Sukkat Shalom” in the memo line. If you prefer to donate another way, please contact the Temple Micah office and we can make arrangements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rabbi Stephanie Crawley.
We do this work because of who we are, what we believe, and the way we understand ourselves. Our Jewish story is a refugee story, from the Torah to our own personal ancestry. Sukkat Shalom is our way of opening the door so “all who are hungry may come and eat.”
Thank you for your generosity and support.
Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel
If you wish to read in more detail about our process and how the funds will be used, please see this addendum.