Machon Micah students engage in a lively curriculum which covers Jewish holidays and traditions, Torah stories, Israel, Jewish values, and various aspects of social justice. Hebrew instruction at Machon Micah is primarily delivered via our online, one-on-one E-vrit tutoring program. Students in grades 3-7 meet for 30 minutes per week with a tutor to learn Hebrew decoding and prayers. Once students complete the Temple Micah prayer curriculum, they can choose to work in a modern Hebrew phrase book.
All participants must be fully potty trained. Pre-K will meet once per month on Sunday mornings from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Parents are expected to join their children from 9:30-10:00 a.m. for our Family Boker Tov opening session in the sanctuary.
Sunday Morning classes are for grades K-3, and they meet from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Parents are expected to join their children each week from 9:30-10:00 a.m. for our Family Boker Tov opening session in the sanctuary. This clergy-led session combines song, prayer, and learning, and it is a great way to meet other Machon families. After Boker Tov, students are dismissed to their classrooms for time with their teachers and specials including Israeli dancing, music, and Jewish-themed yoga.
Tuesday Afternoon classes are for grades 4-7, and they meet from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Many students come to Temple Micah directly from school. The students meet in the library to do homework or socialize before Machon begins. On Tuesday afternoons, students have classroom lessons, with Torah Trope taught by our rabbis for 6th Graders. Following our classroom lessons, the students participate in electives, which rotate every 4 weeks. We have offered the following electives over the past couple of years: learning about Jewish scientists, cooking, Israeli spy stories, journaling, mindfulness, art, discussions with the rabbis about God, the history of Jewish involvement in the cartoon industry, and Jewish perspectives on climate change. Each rotation offers different choices.
The afternoon always culminates with Erev Tov, a short prayer service with the rabbis. Parents are invited to join their children in the sanctuary for Erev Tov at 6:10 p.m.
5th and 6th Graders also attend our popular monthly Shabbat Morning program, which provides a short camp-style service, interactive games, and a brief discussion on the weekly Torah portion. This program takes place once a month from 9-10:15 a.m. We encourage students to stay on for the Shabbat morning congregational service and kiddush lunch.
8th-12th Graders are invited to join R2B (Reason 2 Be) on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 p.m. R2B begins with dinner together as a class and follows with discussion-based lessons on topics addressing Jewish identity, ethics, current events, Israel, Jewish ritual, the Holocaust, and general Jewish history. Our R2B cohort also takes field trips. Recently, we visited the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia. Students must be enrolled in R2B to participate in these field trips. For more information about high school programming, please contact Mckinley Edelman.
Temple Micah membership is required for enrollment in Machon Micah. For more information about joining Micah, please contact If you are interested in pursuing membership, our Director of Membership Engagement will assist you in scheduling an introductory meeting with a rabbi. After speaking with a rabbi and determining that Temple Micah is a good fit for your family, please contact Director of Education Sharon Tash to set up an appointment to discuss Machon Micah for the 2025-2026 school year.
Members: To access Machon Micah information, please login to your ShulCloud account. (If you are having trouble accessing your ShulCloud account, please contact
To view the most up-to-date class schedule, please see our Calendar.