Clubs & Study Groups

We offer a robust range of learning opportunities and affinity groups for adults. Discover new ways to grow with us!

Book Club

First Tuesday of the month | 12:30 p.m.

The Temple Micah Book Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month September through June, to discuss a different book relevant to the Jewish experience. We read both fiction and non-fiction. Reading selections are chosen by the group.

To get involved, contact Book Club.



Challah Bakers

First Friday of the month | 10 a.m.

Challah Bakers meet in the Micah kitchen the first Friday of the month to bake for families in our community.

Bake with us or opt to assist with deliveries. Open to all members of Temple Micah.

To get involved, contact Challah Bakers.



Climate Action Group

Second Thursday of the month | 7 p.m.

We meet monthly and use email to share ideas and information. We find ways to act individually and together – at home, at Micah, and beyond – to help slow climate change. Join us at Micah or by Zoom.

To get involved, contact Climate Action Group.



Hebrew Poetry Online

Twice monthly on Saturdays | 12 noon

In Temple Micah’s lay-led Hebrew poetry group, we read the poetry of Yehuda Amichai and other modern Israeli poets in Hebrew, then translate and discuss in English. We discuss how these poets’ use of biblical, liturgical, and contemporary Hebrew is accessible and insightful on many levels to those with even limited Hebrew knowledge.

To get involved, contact Hebrew Poetry.


a film reel

Israeli + Palestinian Film Group

Last Thursday of the month | 7:15 p.m.

With Israel on our minds and hearts, we invite you to deep dive into wider cultural, historical, and aesthetic contexts of the region through the medium of contemporary narrative film. Led by Rabbi Slakman, the selected films will uplift directors with diverse identities, and realities that span political, social, and religious spectrums. Titles will be released at the beginning of each month and a discussion will take place from 7:15 – 8:00 p.m. over Zoom on the final Thursday of the month (except when otherwise noted) to raise questions, reactions, and reflections in community. View upcoming gatherings.

The Zoom link will be provided in our weekly emails. Not on our list? Sign up for our Friends of Temple Micah newsletter.

Jewish Thinkers of the 20th & 21st Centuries

Every other Monday

Jewish Thinkers, a lay-led study group, meets online every other Monday to read essays of 20th and 21st Century Jewish Thinkers who grapple with fundamental questions of faith and religion.

To get involved, contact Jewish Thinkers.


Third Tuesday of the month | 12 noon

This monthly lay-led study group explores the powerful language of the Psalms. We engage in depth with the timeless poetry that ranges through the spectrum of human emotions, inspiring literature and liturgy across millennia and still speaking to us today. Reading and discussion are in English, informed by the Hebrew – no preparation is required!

To get involved, contact Psalms.

Sacred Circle

Sacred Circle Dance

Weekly on Tuesdays | 10 a.m.

Sacred circle dances are moving meditations that embody and integrate mind, body, and spirit. These simple, gentle dances have special meditative qualities and ancient roots in music and dance from around the world. No previous dance experience or partners necessary. All dances are simple and each will be taught every time. Participants with mobility difficulties are welcome.

Facilitated by Evelyn Torton Beck, Ph. D. 

To get involved, contact our office.

Torah Study

Weekly on Shabbat mornings | 9 a.m.

This lay-led group meets each Shabbat morning before services to explore the week’s Torah and Haftarah portions.

To get involved, contact Torah Study Group.

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