Sukkat Shalom (Shelter of Peace) is Temple Micah’s initiative to help welcome refugees to the United States and to our community. Our work connects us to national organizations like HIAS.
Sukkat Shalom continues to respond to the rapidly changing situation facing people who are desperately seeking to make a safe and secure life for themselves and their families. For more information contact
We will be collecting gift cards to be used for groceries and essentials for the family they recently assisted with an apartment set-up, as well as other families in the DMV who are in the early stages of resettlement here. We are requesting gift cards from:
Please bring gift card donations to services February 28-29 (Refugee Shabbat), or send them to the Temple Micah office through March 15.
In early 2017, a group came together at Temple Micah to actively oppose the harsh immigration policies of the Trump administration. We called the group Sukkat Shalom (Shelter of Peace). Our first major project was to sponsor a refugee family in partnership with Lutheran Social Services (LSS).
Since 2017, more than half of our community has participated in Sukkat Shalom’s efforts, with donations and on-the-ground work. We have, among other things:
Sukkat Shalom Trip to the U.S./Mexico Border – 2019
2024 – Temple Micah was recently recognized by HIAS with a Pathways Trailblazer Award—their highest congregational honor—for its “extraordinary work helping refugees, asylum seekers and other forcibly displaced people.” Micah is one of just 19 congregations—and the only one in the DC area—to receive this award, which was “allocated to the top congregations in the country who have led on unique projects, volunteer efforts, and/or emergency response to crises.” Our application to HIAS for the award detailed how we have incorporated ritual, volunteering, education, advocacy, and philanthropy into every facet of Sukkat Shalom’s work since 2017. Thank you to the many volunteers, donors, and supporters who help make this crucial work possible.
The work of Sukkat Shalom with the national HIAS legal services program, with sponsored families in the DMV, and in other actions to build a “Shelter of Peace” for refugees and migrants continued throughout 2023. All of these efforts are made possible by the generous financial support of Temple Micah members and friends, and by a dedicated team of volunteers.
Our Impact Report outlines what we have accomplished since Sukkat Shalom was established in 2017 through the end of 2022.
Since 2017, we have:
Sukkat Shalom is thrilled to have created with the leadership of HIAS – and to be fully funding – the Temple Micah Migrant Support Paralegal position, and to introduce you to HIAS’s first ever Migrant Support Paralegal, Erin Namovicz.
Erin Namovicz
The Temple Micah/HIAS partnership is unique for American Jewish congregations. When Sukkat Shalom learned, during our 2019 trip to the Mexico/Texas border, that the primary need was for legal assistance for refugees and asylum seekers, we undertook a year-long, deep conversation with HIAS leadership to figure out how best to target our support. With your help, we created the Migrant Support Paralegal position at HIAS. This is sacred work that we are honored to be sharing with our friends at HIAS.
Temple Micah’s first HIAS Migrant Support Paralegal, Erin Namovicz, has been hard at work since January 2022, helping clients applying for asylum, special immigrant juvenile status, U-visas, unlawful presence waivers, and work permit applications. Her work has been instrumental in providing quick service for HIAS’s clients.
Since 2017, we have worked closely with our local refugee resettlement agency Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area, LSSNCA, to support families new to our area. In the wake of last year’s emergency exodus from Afghanistan, Sukkat Shalom committed to reprise its role as a Good Neighbor Partner. In February 2022, we were “matched” with a young Afghan family of four—dad, mom, a 3-year-old boy and 1-year-old girl—and had the great honor of providing a welcoming home for them in Silver Spring as they began to rebuild their lives.
For more information, please contact us at