Micah Cooks has catered hundreds of Temple Micah events, especially B’nai Mitzvahs, for nearly 30 years. We are a volunteer group of more than 50 members who are cooks, bakers, and shoppers — all helping to build community through food! All of our profits are used to support Temple Micah programs.
To learn more about us, to join us, or to consult with us about an event, please contact micahcooks@templemicah.org.
Yes. No culinary training or background is required. Our cooks include middle-school students, retirees, and everyone in between. Some have culinary training, and others just share a love of cooking and community. As discussed below, there are options for participating in person at the Temple or at home—for food items prepared at home, you just have to follow the recipes and deliver the prepared food to the Temple.
No. Our lives are busy and we know that not everyone can help with every event.
We send an email to all the cooks two weeks before the event to find out who is available to help. Some will bake at home; others will help in the kitchen. Some do both. Some just do set up and some help with the cleanup. All help is greatly appreciated.
All the baked goods are prepared at home and delivered to the temple on the morning of the event. Similarly, some of the cold dishes are prepared at home. Pasta, proteins, and salads are prepared by the cooks during the Shabbat service.
Yes, you will be reimbursed for expenses. However, many bakers and cooks use ingredients they already have on hand and do not seek any reimbursement.