T’ruah: U.S. Must Pressure Israel to Return to Negotiations, End War

We would like to share the statement on Israel issued on December 14, 2023 by T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human RightsT’ruah is an inter-denominational Jewish organization that strives to bring the Torah’s ideals of human dignity, equality, and justice to life by empowering rabbis and cantors to be moral voices and to lead their communities in advancing democracy and human rights. Rabbi Zemel is currently the vice-chair of the T’ruah Board of Directors. He will become co-chair in June.

“We call on the U.S. government to act urgently to bring all parties back to the negotiating table to achieve another ceasefire, so that all remaining hostages can be released safely, sufficient humanitarian aid can reach desperate people in Gaza, and steps can be taken toward ending the war as quickly as possible. This must be done immediately in order to prevent additional deaths of Palestinians and Israelis…”

Read the full letter here.

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