Beytenu Gathering

Beytenu, which means “Our House,” is an open and continuously growing group of Temple Micah members that meets for monthly gatherings with the goal of deepening our connection to one another and serving our community. Each gathering, which falls on the second Thursday of each month from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Temple Micah, we spend about half of our time getting to know each other better, and about half of our time in an activity that forwards the community. 

Beytenu Gatherings are warm, welcoming, and open to everyone. You do not have to commit to coming to each month; you can come when you want to, and we’ll always be happy to see you. If you’re looking for different ways to meet new people or get to know people better, or plug in more deeply at Temple Micah, a Beytenu Gathering is a great place to start!

For even more information about this group, contact Beytenu.

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