Repro Shabbat Morning Session with Rabbi Rachael Pass

Rabbi Rachael Pass will be joining us over Repro Shabbat to teach about abortion in Jewish thought and tradition. In addition to sharing her own personal experience with reproductive healthcare at Shabbat services on Friday evening, she will be teaching us on Saturday morning from 8:45 a.m. – 10 a.m. on the Theology and Power of Abortion Rituals — the different creative Jewish rituals written over the past three decades for individuals and couples who have sought abortion. We will be reading different rituals for their theological and ideological insight into Jewish views on abortion from people who have actively sought abortion care.

About Rabbi Rachel Pass

Rabbi Rachael Pass

Rabbi Rachael Pass

Rachael Pass is a queer, feminist, Brooklyn-based community rabbi. She is the Senior Educator of Modern Jew_ish_ Couples and teaches for the Jewish Learning Collaborative, in addition to serving unaffiliated Jews in the New York area. Rabbi Rachael was ordained from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in 2021, where she wrote her rabbinic dissertation on creative Jewish rituals for those who have had abortions. Rabbi Rachael teaches and writes extensively on Jewish views of abortion, creative Jewish rituals, and feminist Jewish thought and theology. She is passionate about Jewish education, mental health, creating caring communities, and reading as many books as she can get her hands on!

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