Come join us as Rabbi Slakman’s Singing Circle and our Beytenu group come together to enjoy a memorable evening of singing and community. If you’ve been waiting for the best time to check out a Beytenu Gathering, your moment has come! June’s Beytenu Gathering promises to be one to remember when we have a mash-up of two things Micah members really love: music + community.
Led by Rabbi Slakman, the singing circle is a monthly gathering for members to purely come together and sing. Songs will be simple, repetitive, and often wordless (niggun) with a focus on embracing new melodies and sinking into singing as an energizing, contemplative, spiritual, and community building practice. No experience or ongoing commitment necessary. Come with the desire to explore self, community, and ritual in the context of song.
Beytenu, which means “Our House,” is an open and continuously growing group of Temple Micah members that meets for monthly gatherings with the goal of deepening our connection to one another and serving our community. Beytenu Gatherings are warm, welcoming, and open to everyone. You do not have to commit to coming to each month; you can come when you want to, and we’ll always be happy to see you. If you’re looking for different ways to meet new people or get to know people better, or plug in more deeply at Temple Micah, a Beytenu Gathering is a great place to start!