This group meets on select Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. with Rabbi Zemel beginning November 2, 2022.
This year’s Morning Study Group will combine the reading of short stories and reflective essays on Jewish identity by a wide variety of writers and thinkers with class participant’s contribution of pieces of their own “spiritual autobiographies.”
What does this mean? Each week, I am hoping that a participant or two will share with the group their own contribution of how they discover or define their own Jewish commitment, faith, or inner core values. I am interested in Jewish conversations on what philosophers Charles Taylor calls “the self in moral space” and Daniel Dennett, the “center of narrative gravity.”
Meeting Schedule:
November 2 and 16; December 21; January 4 and 18; February 1 and 22; March 1 and 29.
To sign up, please contact Jeannelle D’Isa at