Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Vayigash - Genesis 44:18-47:27 Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:15-37:28 Leader: Rob Mayer Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group [...]
We invite you to come together on Shabbat morning with a worship service that combines traditional liturgy with poetry, music, Torah reading, and space for [...]
Register It's almost time for Bowling B'Yachad! Bowling Together is an annual Micah tradition in response to Robert Putnam's book, Bowling Alone. Published in 2000, [...]
Samuels, Maurice. Alfred Dreyfus: The Man at the Center of the Affair. Pages, 224. Published: 2024. Leader: Elsie DC: Not available MCPL: Book: 7 [...]
Eight Texts that Shape my Thinking beginning Wednesday, January 8, 2025 | 10:30 a.m. These sessions will examine eight texts that have helped to inform [...]
Led by Rabbi Slakman, the singing circle is a monthly gathering for members to purely come together and sing. Songs will be simple, repetitive, and often wordless [...]
Young Family Shabbat is perfect for tots – 1st grade (and their parents)! Membership at Micah is not required. Please fill out the form to register. [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Vayechi: Genesis 47:28-50:26 Haftarah: I Kings 2:1-12 Leader: Rob Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group which [...]
We invite you to come together on Shabbat morning with a worship service that combines traditional liturgy with poetry, music, Torah reading, and space for [...]
As part of our year of celebration as we approach Rabbi Zemel’s retirement on June 30, 2025, the Celebration Committee presents a three-part series of [...]
Eight Texts that Shape my Thinking beginning Wednesday, January 8, 2025 | 10:30 a.m. These sessions will examine eight texts that have helped to inform [...]
Beytenu, which means “Our House,” is an open and continuously growing group of Temple Micah members that meets for monthly gatherings with the goal of deepening [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Shemot: Exodus 1:1-6:1 Haftarah: Isaiah 27:6-28:13; 29:22-29:23 Leader: Melanie Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group which [...]
We invite you to come together on Shabbat morning with a worship service that combines traditional liturgy with poetry, music, Torah reading, and space for [...]
Led by Temple Micah’s Artist-in-Residence Philip Mayer, the instrumental ensemble will rehearse in early 2025 to prepare special repertoire for Shabbat Shirah (Saturday, February 8). Rehearsal [...]
Eight Texts that Shape my Thinking beginning Wednesday, January 8, 2025 | 10:30 a.m. These sessions will examine eight texts that have helped to inform [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Va'eira- Exodus 6:2-9:35 Haftarah: Ezekiel 28:25-29:21 Leader: Mark Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group which is [...]
We invite you to come together on Shabbat morning with a worship service that combines traditional liturgy with poetry, music, Torah reading, and space for [...]
Register Join us for a conversation with Erica Perl about White Bird. The Sydney Taylor Book Award-winning graphic novel by R.J. Palacio (author of the [...]
Eight Texts that Shape my Thinking beginning Wednesday, January 8, 2025 | 10:30 a.m. These sessions will examine eight texts that have helped to inform [...]
With Israel on our minds and hearts, we invite you to deep dive into wider cultural, historical, and aesthetic contexts of the region through the [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Bo - Exodus 10:1-13:16 Haftarah: Jeremiah 46:13-46:28 Leader: Francie Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group which [...]
We invite you to come together on Shabbat morning with a worship service that combines traditional liturgy with poetry, music, Torah reading, and space for [...]