Keefe, Patrick Radden. Empire of pain: the secret history of the Sackler dynasty, 535 pages (1-452 text, 453-515 notes, 517-535 index). Published: 2021. Leader: Mort [...]
Led by Rabbi Slakman, the singing circle is a monthly gathering for members to purely come together and sing. Songs will be simple, repetitive, and often wordless [...]
Join us for our annual retreat at Pearlstone Conference and Retreat Center in Reisterstown, Maryland! We will be exploring Embracing Change, a topic of importance [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Shoftim - Deuteronomy 16:16-21:9 Haftarah: Isaiah 51:12-52:12 Leader: Helen Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group which [...]
We invite you to come together on Shabbat morning with a worship service that combines traditional liturgy with poetry, music, Torah reading, and space for [...]
As part of our year of celebration as we approach Rabbi Zemel's retirement on June 30, 2025, the Celebration Committee presents a three-part series of [...]
Are you interested in learning the basics of the Hebrew alphabet? In this introductory class to reading Hebrew, students will learn the Hebrew alphabet and how [...]
Register Join Rabbi Slakman to explore how the complex, diverse, and ever-evolving story of the Jewish people has been conveyed through recipes and culinary traditions. [...]
Young Family Shabbat is perfect for tots – 1st grade (and their parents)! Membership at Micah is not required. Please fill out the form to register. [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Ki Teitzei - Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19 Haftarah: Isaiah 54:1-10 Leader: Noel Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group [...]
We invite you to come together on Shabbat morning with a worship service that combines traditional liturgy with poetry, music, Torah reading, and space for [...]
A Symposium and Program Fair Temple Shalom Can Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs still work together as partners after October 7th? Is there continued hope [...]
Are you interested in learning the basics of the Hebrew alphabet? In this introductory class to reading Hebrew, students will learn the Hebrew alphabet and how [...]
Register Join Micah’s Climate Action Group to help get out the vote! We are partnering with Center for Common Ground, a non-partisan, Black and women-led [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Ki Tavo - Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19 Haftarah: Isaiah 54:1-10 Leader: Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group which [...]
We invite you to come together on Shabbat morning with a worship service that combines traditional liturgy with poetry, music, Torah reading, and space for [...]
Are you interested in learning the basics of the Hebrew alphabet? In this introductory class to reading Hebrew, students will learn the Hebrew alphabet and how [...]
Register Join Micah’s Climate Action Group to help get out the vote! We are partnering with Center for Common Ground, a non-partisan, Black and women-led [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Torah Portion: Nitzavim-Vayeilech - Deuteronomy 29:9-31:30 Haftarah: Isaiah 61:10-63:9 Leader: Mark Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly Shabbat study group which [...]
We invite you to come together on Shabbat morning with a worship service that combines traditional liturgy with poetry, music, Torah reading, and space for [...]
Due to inclement weather and the very muddy condition of the cemetery, we regret to announce that the Memorial Service scheduled for Sunday, September 29 [...]
Please note: this evening's meeting is on Zoom only. Are you interested in learning the basics of the Hebrew alphabet? In this introductory class to reading [...]
Registration to attend in-person is now closed. Please note: We will require proof of registration prior to entering the building. Please reference your email for [...]
Registration to attend in-person is now closed. Service location: Temple Micah (NO TENT) Please note: We will require proof of registration prior to entering the [...]
Registration to attend in-person is now closed. Service location: Temple Micah (NO TENT) Please note: We will require proof of registration prior to entering the [...]
Registration to attend in-person is now closed. Please note: We will require proof of registration prior to entering the building. Please reference your email for [...]
Join us in the library before the service for Temple Micah’s beloved tradition of pre-service onegs (“pre-negs”) that offers the community the opportunity to gather [...]
Shabbat Shuva Torah Portion: Ha'azinu - Deuteronomy 32:1-32:52 Haftarah: Hosea 14:2-10; Joel 2:15-27 Leader: Steve Contact Torah Study Group for more information about this weekly [...]
We invite you to come together on Shabbat morning with a worship service that combines traditional liturgy with poetry, music, Torah reading, and space for [...]